Preparing for guided pathways

Key takeaways
- Guided pathways is a student-centred approach
- However, institutions must determine their own preparedness for implementation
- Implementation can be ambitious—but well worth it
Colleges and universities of all types and sizes are searching for ways to help their students reach their goals—whether that means on-time graduation, certificate completion, or the ability to transfer to a four-year institution.
Equally important, institutions seek to help students minimise their debt loads while teaching them the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the workplace. These efforts have become increasingly urgent due to greater scrutiny from policymakers, an increase in performance-based funding, the rising cost of education, and growing challenges in the job market.
Enter the guided pathways model.
Though its origins lie in community college reform, the guided pathways model holds promising applications for four-year institutions as well. Why? Because it focuses on key student-centric practices including:
- Clearly defined programmes
- Strengthened advising
- Improved degree tracking and student self-service
- Early alert systems
While a guided pathways model is attractive to many institutions, it’s important to take a methodical approach when preparing for implementation. If your institution is considering a guided pathways approach, this questionnaire can help you determine your readiness, while the accompanying guide offers a roadmap of the necessary pre-work for a successful guided pathways adoption.