Ellucian Experience: Transforming Institutions through Personalized Action Driven Dashboards

Ellucian Experience: Transforming Institutions through Personalized Action Driven Dashboards


What is Ellucian Experience? For every user, from the president to faculty to students, Experience is their personalized, secure hub for timely, actionable information. Experience consolidates information from Ellucian and non-Ellucian applications, which allows users the convenience of logging in to a single place for their tasks, alerts, updates, and information.

Watch Albany State University and Ellucian product experts explore how leveraging a cutting-edge dashboard and command center through Ellucian Experience has redefined the faculty, staff and student experience at ASU. Find out how ASU keeps students seamlessly informed and engaged with action driven updates and gain practical insights from ASU's success story with Ellucian Experience.

In this webinar you'll learn:

  • Why Albany State University chose Ellucian Experience
  • What did implementation look like?

Featured Speakers

Sekar Ponnar | Director of Applications, Albany State University
Brian Geraghty | Principal Solutions Consultant, Ellucian
Jorge Arthur | Product Manager, Ellucian

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