
ConexED is passionate about making every student a priority through our cloud-based Academic Communication System (ACS). We have developed a system that acts as the student’s lifeline to their academic support teams within their school.

  • Students love that they can connect to everyone on their school campus within one central scheduling, queuing and meeting system.
  • Faculty and staff love the well designed and highly controlled appointment scheduler which maximizes their time and effectiveness.
  • Administrators love that they can run deep data mining and report on every type of communication and scheduling event within their school’s ecosystem. This allows Administrators and Senior Staff Members the power of making great business decisions based on data and devoting their resources to maximize efficiency.

Eliminate multiple vendors and reduce redundant software tools. With ConexED you can easily implement a centralized made-for-education ACS platform. Tools like instant messaging, scheduling, kiosk queuing, real-time virtual lobby, video meeting and webinar conferencing integrated with a robust case management, alerting and reporting system, your entire campus will jump for joy.

Functional Categories:
BI Reporting & Analytics, Communication & Notification, Conference Events Management, Scheduling, Technology Platform, Tutoring