Building an analytics-driven campus

Key takeaways
- Campus-wide analytics are a priority for institutions
- Analytics priorities differ according to leadership roles
- Cost, data silos, and fear of exposing inefficiencies are barriers
Today’s higher education institutions face numerous challenges, including declining enrollment, low retention and graduation rates, and growing public scrutiny around the value of a college degree. To address these issues, institutions have begun investing in analytics.
In an effort to understand how higher education leaders plan to use analytics and what is preventing them from implementing enterprise analytics programs, a survey was conducted of 200 presidents, provosts, CFOs, and CIO/CTOs from four-year, two-year, public and private institutions.
The results highlight the fact that although financial barriers are an obstacle, cultural barriers—including the need to break down data silos and a fear of exposing inefficiencies—need to be addressed before an enterprise analytics program can be successfully implemented.