Ellucian Experience is here: What you need to know


Join Ellucian’s Senior Vice President of Product Management Mariam Tariq and Vice President of Product Management Joel Sackett for an on-demand session as they explore Ellucian Experience and what it can do for your students, faculty, and administrators.

Get answers to your Ellucian Experience questions

What exactly is Ellucian Experience? Skip to minute 1:13 to watch a quick overview of Ellucian Experience and its functionality.

How did we develop Ellucian Experience? At minute 4:51, Mariam Tariq gives an overview of the product strategy behind Experience and how it was developed to accelerate customer technology transformation, support student outcomes, and expand the technology ecosystem.

What do your peers think about Ellucian Experience? At minute 7:30, listen to thoughts and feedback about Experience from higher education professionals.

Watch the session now.