Heriot-Watt University
Helping students and staff with faster application processing
Heriot-Watt University attracts students around the world using Ellucian CRM Recruit

- Cloud-based system provides 24-hr service
- The application process is faster and more effective
- Flexible system meets recruitment needs in different countries
I'm Paul Travill. I'm the academic registrar at Heriot-Watt University. We have campuses in Scotland, Dubai, and Malaysia. How you recruit and apply to be an applicant in Malaysia or Dubai or the UK are all very different from each other.
And so, when we were looking for a new admissions system, we were really keen to find one that's really adapted to cope with different needs in different countries, but still meet the Heriot-Watt need of actually having simple standard processes that were effective and able to manage our data in a far better way than we were able to perform. And CRM Recruit just stood out as being the most modern effective application system we could find.
Between our campuses, we have staff working 18 hours a day, six days a week. Our Dubai campus operates Sunday to Thursday, and Malaysia and Scotland Monday to Friday. So actually, having time when we could take systems down to keep updates and backups was increasingly difficult. The cloud just gives us that solid stability 24-hour a day service. Staff can, if they're out recruiting, go out in the field at recruitment fairs, can just log on and access it through the web.
It's just completely changed the way we're able to do our admissions processes. What it's enabled us to do is actually pick up on applicants who started the process, and not quite completed the application. So, we can start to chase applicants. It's enabled us to start to look at our process times where we've had some inefficiencies in processing, and really speed that up, so that turning around the applicant’s process form application through to decision making is far faster, and it's now a really effective system.